7 Days to a Life More Deeply Rooted in LoveSample
Rest: Settle into your space. Sit in silence for a few moments. Take a few deep, slow breaths. Let your body relax, and invite the Holy Spirit to guide this time.
Receive: Read Luke 15:11-32 slowly. Engage all your senses as you place yourself in the story. What do you see, smell, hear, feel? What do you notice about the Father? What do you notice about these two sons? What do you notice about your response to the story?
Respond: Neither of these sons realized the goodness of their father. Their image of father was marred, and this resulted in brokenness in their lives and relationships. How are you invited to see the Father differently? Is there a turning or returning He’s inviting you to today?
Remain: Take a few more moments to rest and remember the Father’s words: “You are always with me. Everything I have is yours.”
About this Plan
Over the next seven days, you’ll engage in readings and practices that will open the way to living more deeply rooted and grounded in the love of Christ. Each day, you’ll Rest, Receive, Respond, and Remain as you engage with Jesus through Scripture.
We would like to thank Susan Carson for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.susancarson.net/ |