3 Prayers to Beat Monday Blues for the Business ProfessionalSample

Monday Night – Let It Go
Mondays can be treacherous. You may feel like you made no headway at all and that the mountain of work only grew and is more complicated. Worse yet, you may have missed a deadline or miscalculated something, or made a mistake. But at some point, you have to close down your computer, shut the door to your office, and walk away.
Remember – it’s only one day, one Monday in the scheme of 364 other days of the year. Do what you can to make things right, but then it’s time to let this day go so you can receive God’s rest and renewal for tomorrow.
Monday night prayer:
Father, I release this day into your hands. I thank you for the victories and the pleasant moments. I turn over my frustrations to you, and I ask you to cover my shortcomings with your grace. Restore my soul as I shift my mind off work and purpose myself to enjoy this evening.
You give rest to those you love, and as I turn this day over to you, I push off anxiety and depression to receive your rest.
I cast off every weight that would try to keep me from pursuing your plan for my life and work.
I fix my eyes on Jesus, the author, and finisher of my faith and all that concerns me.
I quiet my soul before you. I trust you to prepare and enable me for tomorrow and all that it brings. Your comforts delight my soul. My life and my work are in your hands, and I look forward to a better tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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About this Plan

Have you ever experienced Monday morning anxiety? Mondays can be incredibly stressful for business professionals, with panic and anxiety, often building the evening before. If you’re depressed about Mondays, these three scripture-based prayers, designed for the morning, noon, and night, will help you commit the day to the Lord and set a positive tone for your workweek.
We would like to thank Laura Woodworth for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://laurawoodworth.com |