Get Active, God's Way by Healthy by DesignSample

Rise and Say 'Yes!'
Jesus asked the infirmed man, "Do you want to get well?"
It seems like an obvious question, right? Maybe on the surface, but Jesus knows that not everyone who says they want to get well really mean it.
He knows that as painful as our current situations are, we choose comfort, complacency, and familiarity over the unknown. Change requires work. Are we truly ready to do what it takes?
If you're honest with yourself, how would you answer the question, "Do you want to get well?"
"I do, but ...."
"..., but I don't want to get too obsessive about this fitness thing."
"I do, but I'm not sure if I can maintain it."
"..., but I only have so much time in the day."
"..., but I have to take my pills, so I have to eat."
"..., but I have an injury, so I can't push myself that hard."
Jesus's question to the man at the pool (and us) challenges us to truly explore our desires, commitment, motives, and trust in Him. Do you want to be made well? As you go through this challenge, be honest in your answer to this question. Can you answer with a resounding, "YES!" If not, ask God to give you the grace, strength, and desire to let go of your fears and doubts and to desire His best for you. As you begin to release the fears to God, you will be more inspired and encouraged to move your body more and get healthier each day.
1. Why did Jesus ask the man if he wanted to get well? Wouldn't Jesus know that he 'obviously' would want to?
2. Has Jesus 'questioned' you about your intention and commitment to exercise or get healthier? Has your response been, "Yes, but ...?" What is your 'but'? Turn it over to God in prayer.
3. What will it take to commit to a resounding 'yes' today?
Worship and Prayer
"Dear Lord, I thank you for this challenge. I want to get well, Lord. Come in and remove all the doubts and fears so I can answer with a loud and convincing, "YES!" It is in You that I live, move, and have my being. So as I embark on this challenge, I commit this journey to you. In your awesome name, I thank you and praise you, Lord! Amen."
About this Plan

The Get Active Devotional and Challenge offers you daily devotions to inspire you to get active. It is based on John 5:1-8, where Jesus tells the man at the pool to “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” Be encouraged as you RISE and get active.
We would like to thank Healthy by Design for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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