Five Days of Encouragement From Saints of OldSample

Are you the worst sinner you know?
Perhaps you are immediately starting to name all the people you consider worse than you. When we compare ourselves to other people, we can pretend that we’re not too bad. But what about when we compare ourselves to Christ?
That’s what Catherine Parr, the sixth wife of King Henry VIII, did in her book, The Lamentations of a Sinner.
Comparing ourselves to Christ in this way might drive us to desperation as the extent of our sin is exposed. But when we look to Christ, we see, not only our model, but also our Savior. We see the one who came into the world to save sinners. Our sin may be great, but his mercy is greater.
"Shall I fall in desperation?
No, I will call upon Christ,
the Light of the world,
the Fountain of life,
the relief of all careful consciences,
the Peacemaker between God and man,
and the only health and comfort
of all true repentant sinners.
By his almighty power he can save me
and deliver me out of this miserable state.
For this is the life everlasting, O Lord,
to believe you to be the true God,
and him whom you sent, Jesus Christ.
By this faith I am assured,
and by this assurance I feel the forgiveness of my sins:
this is what gives me confidence,
this is what comforts me,
this is what quenches all despair."
-Catherine Parr (1512-1548)
About this Plan

The Christian life is a long race. But we’re not running on our own. Hebrews 12:1-2 tells us that we are surrounded by “a great cloud of witnesses” to spur us on. Two thousand years from when this was written, the cloud of witnesses is larger than ever. This plan is an opportunity to be encouraged by voices of the past to fix our gaze on Jesus.
We would like to thank The Good Book for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: