The Jesus Clubs - 7 Day KickstartSample

Water Baptism:
Baptism! You’re probably at a place in your walk with Christ that you’re seriously considering water baptism. In this devotional, we will be looking into what Jesus showed and said about baptism, what the purpose of baptism is, and how you can be baptized.
First, we need to establish that baptism is not a requirement for salvation (see Ephesians 2:8-9). Nor is it a prerequisite for Heaven as shown by the criminal on the cross next to Jesus being admitted into Heaven having never been baptized (Luke 23:39-43).
The best place to start this conversation is by looking at Jesus's example and words surrounding baptism. In Mark 1:9, Jesus sets the example of water baptism for His followers by allowing John the Baptist to baptize Him. This baptism was a full immersion underwater. Even though there are various ways that people teach on how baptism occurs, the Biblical example left by Jesus and then all those who proclaimed it after His death and resurrection, was through full immersion in water. Directly after His resurrection, he makes baptism a command in his final words to His disciples before He ascended into heaven in Matthew 28:19-20. Meaning that this isn’t just a custom or tradition for Christians to practice, but rather, a direct command from Jesus Himself.
So what is the purpose of baptism anyway? Well, the Bible makes it clear that this is a public demonstration of any internal reality. Romans 6:1-5 and Colossians 2:12 speaks about the deep symbolism of baptism. Where we are demonstrating our death to our old life and resurrection to new life in Christ. This was and still is a huge celebratory event for anyone becoming part of the family of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-13).
So what are you waiting for?! After you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, your next step is finding a community of believers who are willing to lead you into a moment of baptism! As the Ethiopian Eunuch expressed to Philip in Acts 8:36, “Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?”
About this Plan

This is for the new believer and the seeker—seven days to kickstart your faith in Jesus and what it means to follow Him.
We would like to thank YWAM Kona for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: