Receiving Grace and ForgivingSample

Day 7 – Forgiveness is possible for everyone
Forgiveness is possible for for us all and we can receive it thanks to the forgiveness that God gives us and the love that He fills our hearts with.
Read Luke 23:34 and Acts 7:59-60 and take a moment to answer the following questions:
➤ What prevents me from forgiving? How can I overcome these obstacles?
➤ What are the steps that indicate the path of forgiveness?
Reading these two passages where Jesus and Stephen are sentenced to death in a totally unjust manner, we can’t help but be challenged by their reactions. Both of them chose to forgive and bless instead of curse, which would have no doubt been the natural reaction in such circumstances; and throughout history we see numerous examples of men and women who, at the moment of being executed, curse the judges and executioners. So we can see that forgiving isn’t easy to do and that without God’s love manifested in our hearts, it is impossible to really forgive.
Don’t believe that forgiving is only reserved for certain people in particular because it simply isn’t the case. Just as we have been completely forgiven of our sins (even though we have to take possession of this forgiveness by faith in order to be reconciled with God), we are all called to forgive others, no matter who they are. No exception or excuse can prevent us from experiencing this extraordinary gift which is forgiveness. So don’t allow lies deceive you, instead decide to live all of your life in the freedom that forgiveness offers you.
Forgiving just as God has forgiven and loved us is only possible because God loves us first and it’s in our relationship with Him that we can act in the same way, that we can find the strength and courage to forgive. However, it is good to know how to proceed, it’s why you will find here the main steps that mark out the path of forgiveness.
Firstly, we are invited to pray for those who have sinned against us and to bless them (cf. Matthew 5:44). By acting in such a way, we take the decision to love them, that is to demonstrate to them God’s heart, He who already loves them and has always loved them.
Next, we need to make sure we don’t turn a blind eye or try to excuse the people, or even minimise things. Actually, we need to recognise the hurt that has been caused to us and bring to light the pain that we have experienced. In order to be better and even define the debt that the person has towards us, writing things down can help us.
The next step is to decide to forgive. Sometimes it is a good idea to get someone to come alongside you as a witness of your decision. At that moment, if you have written down the offences that have affected you, take a moment to burn the sheet of paper, as a declaration of your choice to let go.
After that, it may be necessary for you take a more concrete step by writing or meeting with the person who has sinned against you.
Throughout these last few steps, it is obvious that we continue to pray for the person who has offended us and to bless them. Now, we are able to see that person as God sees them, with His eyes and His look. Before, it was difficult to do because we were blinded by the sin.
Finally, we choose to make forgiveness part of our lifestyle by always living in the level of grace, without letting ourselves become perturbed by whatever may come. Because forgiveness is never a one-off act, it’s a lifestyle, that of a disciple of Christ!
Take a moment to look back over the different steps and to evaluate your life in light of them. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if, and how you need to act. Position yourself by deciding to make forgiveness a lifestyle choice, no matter what life brings you!
➤ What I have understood for my own personal life :
➤ What I am deciding to do in my life based upon what I have just learnt :
➤ What you decide to do today will determine who and what you will be tomorrow !
Adapted from "un disciple en marche" copyright 2018 by Luc Favre, published by Vie Victorieuse. All rights reserved.. For more information
About this Plan

Much more than a simple reading plan, this is a real challenge it help you enter into a life as a disciple of Christ. To be disciple is to walk with Jesus, to let Him teach us, to transform us and to learn to do what He does. And it's like Him walking in victory.
We would like to thank Luc Favre for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: