Make or BreakSample

Power of Little Prayers
Sometimes in times of trial and stress, it is hard to hear God’s voice. It’s not always easy when assignments are coming your way, things are going on at home, and you are struggling with friends to see that God is there and trust him through it all.
We need to remember though, sometimes God is waiting for us to talk to him. Just as a father wants to hear about their child’s day, God wants to hear about ours.
Prayer is not always sitting down or kneeling with arms folded and head bowed; it can simply be a conversation between you and God. Talk to God throughout the day; he wants to hear you.
Whether it be aloud or in your head, God wants to hear about the little things and the big things. He is incredible because no problem or thing is too small or insignificant; likewise, no problem or thing is too big for God.
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you can talk to God—walking to school, driving, eating lunch, even asking him in your head what the right things to say is in a conversation.
In Psalm 55:22 it says, “Cast your burdens unto God and he will take care of you.”
Telling God what is troubling you and what is on your mind not only gives you peace of mind but the verse also says that, “He will take care of you.”
He will take care of your school stress, your family situation, your friendship issues—you name it, God will take care of it. A simple prayer to God, a conversation; casting your worries and cares unto him can set you free and he will take care of the rest.
Remember that God is sometimes quiet in times of trial because he is listening and waiting for you to ask for help and cast your burdens unto him. Pray that little prayer; it’s not always the big ones he is waiting for.
About this Plan

Our relationships are one decision away from sinking or swimming. Every decision we make can break or make the relationships that we have with people and with God. How can we strengthen the relationships we have and be someone who people want to get to know.
We would like to thank Highlands Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: