Thriving in Your SinglenessSample

You Are too FLY Not to Thrive!
Your past may not be pretty with pastels and pearls. At times it was dark and dreary. You may have endured some pain, but it was purposeful. God’s grace is sufficient. God kept you ALIVE so that you could THRIVE. The thriving season is in session!
You are never too old for something GREAT to happen to you and for you. God’s plan for your life never expires.
Your single season is not a time to feel down and cry a river. It’s a time to celebrate an unapologetic you.
I celebrate myself, and sing myself. – Walt Whitman
You can thrive as a single person, right where God has you at this very moment. Don’t let the world, your family, or even the church make you feel less than because of your current marital status. The truth is, God loves everyone, whether you are single, married, or divorced.
In this season of singleness, you have a choice to go from surviving to thriving, from panicking to prospering, from pain to purpose, and from crying to rejoicing.
Don’t allow an unfavorable season to keep you stagnant. Make the most out of your singleness, because once you are married you will never get this time back.
Today’s challenge: Write down a few goals to accomplish before 2021.
About this Plan

What do you do while you wait? Do you remain stagnant year after year? Do you reject the idea of growing? Do you stop working toward your dreams? Do you stop serving God and others? The answer is NO. Singleness is a time to THRIVE
We would like to thank Singles who pray for providing this Plan. For more information, please visit: