Draw Near – 365 Guides to Greater Intimacy with GodSample

A lady lost her son in war and wept bitterly. She cried out in her heartache, "I wish I had never been made." A friend replied, "You are not made. You are being made, and this is just part of the Maker's process." These were hard words to understand, but they are true. Even in the very difficult times of our lives, we are being conformed to the image of God's Son.
David drank deeply from the cup of God's punishment. He had sinned and now it was time to pay. He would become a better man after the Maker let him taste the horrors of death through his beloved son. He would be haunted by this memory throughout his life, and never again would he wander away foolishly to follow the flesh. This was part of the Maker's process, and David learned much through it. He took his medicine like a man and worshipped during those difficult days.
While the Bible warns that we will reap what we sow, still we cry under the severe hand of discipline. However, this is all part of the Maker's process that we might become better individuals for it. When we, like David, exhaust every mercy available, then may we, like him, arise from our heartbreak, wash ourselves and worship God. In our pain, and from our suffering, we can learn valuable lessons that will teach us to live better and walk in the holiness of God.
A lady lost her son in war and wept bitterly. She cried out in her heartache, "I wish I had never been made." A friend replied, "You are not made. You are being made, and this is just part of the Maker's process." These were hard words to understand, but they are true. Even in the very difficult times of our lives, we are being conformed to the image of God's Son.
David drank deeply from the cup of God's punishment. He had sinned and now it was time to pay. He would become a better man after the Maker let him taste the horrors of death through his beloved son. He would be haunted by this memory throughout his life, and never again would he wander away foolishly to follow the flesh. This was part of the Maker's process, and David learned much through it. He took his medicine like a man and worshipped during those difficult days.
While the Bible warns that we will reap what we sow, still we cry under the severe hand of discipline. However, this is all part of the Maker's process that we might become better individuals for it. When we, like David, exhaust every mercy available, then may we, like him, arise from our heartbreak, wash ourselves and worship God. In our pain, and from our suffering, we can learn valuable lessons that will teach us to live better and walk in the holiness of God.
About this Plan

Daily devotions for each day of the year. Ron Hembree illusrates how to 'Draw Near' to God through scriptures and insightful stories for each day.
We would like to thank Bible Discovery TV for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.biblediscoverytv.com