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Draw Near – 365 Guides to Greater Intimacy with GodSample

Draw Near – 365 Guides to Greater Intimacy with God

DAY 30 OF 365


During a hard energy crisis, we seemed so helpless. Then the New York Daily News showed how each of us could save energy: "One less hour a day of color TV saves a fourth barrel of oil a year. One less washing machine load saves a half barrel. One less clothes dryer load saves a third barrel. Using the dishwasher once for every two present uses saves three and a half barrels, while using the air conditioner one less hour from May through September saves a half barrel." There was something we could do.

James tells the believer some things he can do to make his life more like Christ's. While Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith, there are practical steps we can take to be more aware of His working and more suitable to His service. James suggests, for example, that we draw near to God so that He will draw near to us.

James adds that we should not speak evil of one another or say arrogantly that we will do as we please. We are in God's hands, not ours. We are to do good because to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin (James 4:17). With such a list, we have a lot to work on today in our lives. There is something we can do, and may we do it.


About this Plan

Draw Near – 365 Guides to Greater Intimacy with God

Daily devotions for each day of the year. Ron Hembree illusrates how to 'Draw Near' to God through scriptures and insightful stories for each day.


We would like to thank Bible Discovery TV for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: