Jesus isSample

Day 2; Jesus is.... Saviour
Think About:
Jesus was sent to save us because God loves us so much.
When Jesus died on the cross, he took the punishment we should have for the things we do wrong. Jesus took your sin and nailed it to the cross.
Jesus did not stay dead. He rose again- beating sin and death and making a way for each of us to have eternal life with God in heaven.
What Now?
Jesus can be your Saviour! You can say, “Jesus is Lord.” You can thank him for dying for you and taking away your sin. You can believe in Jesus and give your life to him. You can ask him to be your best friend.
You can tell others all about his love, too.
What will you decide about Jesus? Will he be your Saviour?
About this Plan

Who is Jesus? Who is Jesus to you? How you answer these questions will make all the difference in the world to you. Come on a journey to discover that Jesus is….. Well, Jesus is everything you’ll ever need.
We would like to thank Imagine Nations Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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