An Uncaged Bird: Finding Freedom and Joy to ObeySample

Soaring Above it All
We’re living in a society where our personal feelings are our supreme influence and we are governed by our emotions and rise and fall by our perceptions. According to scripture, our hearts are wicked, and our feelings ought not be the authority by which our lives are governed (Jeremiah 17:9). But, if we’re honest, we don’t always heed the wisdom of God in our decision making. Often, we chose to obey or disobey based on how we’re feeling or based on how others make us feel.
When I married my husband, I was thrilled to inherit an entire new family—more people to love and enjoy, to bond with, to create friendships with, and to be loved by! Unfortunately, that wasn’t my complete experience, and I quickly discovered that, even in family, not everyone will love and appreciate you. It was and still is a difficult reality that I face. Each unkind word or deed has left some serious scars and discouragement. It used to affect me with bitter emotions, sorrow, and disappointment, but I had a choice to make. I could choose to allow my feelings to overshadow my God, or I could choose to obey the wisdom of scripture in order to combat evil with good, give soft answers instead of angry responses, and extend God’s grace over personal offense and attacks.
When I think about the choice to obey the Lord rather than to give in to feelings, I immediately think of the story of Joseph. Scriptures make it very clear that Joseph had some internal struggles and emotions he fought with during his process of obedience (Genesis 43:30-31; 45:1). Yet, Joseph kept his faith in God, lived justly with humility, and later found himself to be second in command over the entire Egyptian kingdom—doing good to those who once held him captive and forgiving his brothers, though he was in a position to render punishment and revenge. He chose the path of forgiveness over his feelings which truly is obedience.
No matter how difficult the pain of our feelings may be, obedience is better. It’s better than revenge, it’s better than anger and blame and unforgiveness. Obedience to the ways of the Lord is better because it produces the presence of the Lord in our lives, in our circumstances, and even in our pain. His presence brings joy and gladness. His presence brings peace and courage. His presence calms the sting of any fear, any hurt, any anxiety and allows our hearts and souls to soar above it all!
The world tells us that if it feels right, then it must be right, but what does God say? He says that those who honor the Lord in their obedience, no matter how the circumstances might seem or feel, will never walk alone and will never be defeated (Romans 10:11).
When I think about an uncaged bird, it is not bound by the walls that surround it nor is it hindered by gates of uncertainty. Instead, it enters and exits, freely. It lives with confidence and joy, in obedience, to do what it was born to do. I want you to know that it’s possible to obey in all things, because all things are possible with the Lord. Allow His presence to lead you today and every day, by obeying His Word and living in the freedom and joy of His love.
About this Plan

Doubt wants us to believe that obedience to God is outdated and that application of scripture in our daily living is in vain. But God’s Word promises eternal treasures of joy and freedom when we not only hear God’s Word, but also obey. Joy and freedom result in our obedience and causes us to soar above the pulls and temptation of this world.
We would like to thank Katrina McCain for providing this Plan. For more information, please visit: