Experiencing God's Power and PresenceSample

When You Get a Raw Deal
Asaph thought he had gotten a raw deal. The injustice was eating away at him. When his experience and God’s truth didn’t seem to match, this mature, godly man poured out his heart to God. His anguish and the revelation that came from it are preserved for us in this remarkable psalm.
The thoughts Asaph expressed are a model for us. Whatever injustice you’ve experienced, read these words with that offense in mind. Whenever you struggle with life being unfair, follow his example. Take the specific steps he shows: (1) Pour out your heart to God; (2) consider your choices carefully; (3) see the big picture; (4) and reaffirm your relationship with him. A change in perspective can powerfully undo the injustice you feel.
That principle is exactly what prompted the turning point in Asaph’s psalm (vv. 16-17). When we step into God’s presence, his “sanctuary,” and stand in the light of his truth, we begin to see things from an eternal perspective. Asaph had been at the point of giving up—his “feet had almost slipped” (v. 2)—because he saw only his own circumstances in the moment. He thought there had been no benefit in keeping his heart pure and following God. He had to experience God’s presence to see differently. When we focus on our raw deal, we become shortsighted. When we step back and allow God to show us the big picture, we recognize how momentary our troubles are in the light of eternity. When we place ourselves at the end and look back, “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Rom. 8:18).
God will use your raw deal to build your character, change your life, give you a testimony, and fulfill a greater purpose. But you have to hang in there, trusting him to bring about a good end. The only way you can have the faith to endure events that don’t make sense in the present is to shift your focus away from the circumstances and back onto the big picture. God promises that everything will work out for your good (Rom. 8:28). In the end, you’ll get to see that your raw deal actually turned out to be a really good deal.
About this Plan

Where is God when you’re hurting? How can you experience him when you’re in trouble? How does he turn confusion or fear into clarity and peace? Many of the psalms begin in crisis and end with a testimony of God’s presence, power, and provision. By learning their truths and following their example, we can have the same kind of testimony. Written by Chip Ingram.
We would like to thank Living on the Edge for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://livingontheedge.org/