Suit UpSample

A Helper for Your Mission
Okay, it’s the last day of this Bible Plan. You’ve learned how to stand strong against the invisible fight between good and evil—using your secret gear and praying in the Spirit!
Today, you’re going to learn a bit more about everything you, your gear, and the Holy Spirit can do together.
Today’s video is from Jason, friend of The Loop Show. It’s the second half of a talk he gave about a really cool section of the Bible, John 14:15-20. He’s using The Message version of the Bible to teach it to us. In this portion of his video, he’s focusing on verses 18-20.
That was a pretty amazing talk, right? Did you catch that one line Jason’s mother always told him? “I don’t think God put Himself inside you so He could be quiet.” Wow. Kind of a game-changer, right? Okay, Holy Spirit!
Remember: You’re never alone in this life. The Holy Spirit guides you.
Also remember: Prayer is essential. The Holy Spirit can help us with that, too. Pray for answers to your puzzles. Pray for your next mission. Pray bold prayers, waiting in awe to see what God will do. Don’t try to do everything yourself. The Holy Spirit sees the unseen. Trust Him to guide your heart to what God sees.
A final word: Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to take a stand in God’s mighty power. You need all the help you can get, so suit up. And you’re not alone. The Holy Spirit is your guide.
Ask yourself: What’s the most important thing I’ve learned from reading this Bible Plan?
Challenge yourself: Choose one word to represent the most important thing you’ve learned from reading this Bible Plan. It could be a word like power, Spirit, armor, gear, prayer, or any other word you choose! Now, write that word in big letters on a sheet of paper. Decorate it as much as you’d like. Place that paper somewhere you’ll see it often, so you can remember what God taught you.
Pray: God, thank You for teaching me how to stand strong for You, no matter what. Thank You for giving me Your Holy Spirit to live inside me and to be my guide. Help me to remember You’re always with me. Help me to listen to Your voice always. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Hey, before you go, check out more awesome videos from the Loop Show!
About this Plan

When you follow Jesus, you’re recruited to experience and spread God’s love and truth. But we have an enemy—a spiritual enemy who wants to keep us from knowing the goodness of a full life in Christ; but you can learn to fight that evil. Are you up for it? This Bible Plan will teach you how to fight evil and walk in God's love and truth every day.
We would like to thank Life.Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: