The Heart of a WorshiperSample

We Shall Worship
Jesus said in John 4:23, “...when the true worshipers shall worship.” This is not as much as a command as it is a compelling commitment. Jesus has already spoken. When do you commit yourself to worship Him?
We “shall” worship, is more than a choice that we make. Worship is a response to Him. Placing everything else aside, we make Him the priority. (Romans 12:1) What is interesting is this word “shall.” We find it several times in the Bible. Here are a few passages:
- Psalm 22:27 "All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You."
- Luke 4:8 “'You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.'”
- Revelation 4:10 “the four and twenty elders shall fall down before Him…and shall worship Him…”
His Gift becomes the reason of why we worship. All the earth and creation responds to Him. We, too, personally respond to Him.
There is both an inflow and an outflow. The inflow of worship: Jesus said that the water that He gives (the Holy Spirit), will become a wellspring, welling up into Eternal Life. (John 4:14) The outflow of worship is in John 7:38, “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”
Like water, the worship of God always returns to its Source who is the Father. He flows in and out of us by the waters of the Holy Spirit. It is this same Life that causes us to drink from His waters to never be thirsty again.
We shall worship, not because we are commanded, but because the Spirit who lives within us compels us to worship. “…true worshipers shall worship…”
Ask God to search your heart and make it steadfast, not tossed to and fro with waves of emotion. Choose to have a heart that seeks and worships Him, a heart strengthened by His word.
About this Plan

The Heart of a Worshiper overflows with expressions of praise and steadfast trust in everyday circumstances. Learning to worship in Spirit and in truth is dependent upon the Holy Spirit and the truth of His word, shaping your heart and mind in responding to Jesus. This 3-day devotion invites you to explore the faithfulness of God, to be strengthened, and to yield worship that's pleasing to the Father.
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