Safe in His ArmsSample

What’s in a Name?
God is who He says He is; He can and will do what He says He can and will do.
As we have journeyed through the twenty-third Psalm together, I pray you have felt God’s peace, comfort, and security each step along the way. More importantly, I hope you have seen more clearly the loving heart of your Good Shepherd. When most people read David’s Psalm, they are either looking for a way to find meaning and purpose for their suffering or trying to pick up the pieces from shattered dreams.
For many years, I approached the Bible as a textbook. When life wasn’t turning out like I had dreamed it would, I’d look to the Bible for answers to my “why.” God used studying the book of Job to show me He doesn’t always answer our “why.” Instead, He desires to take our focus off of our suffering and onto Himself. When we respond in faith and look to Him, He shows us His mighty power and great love.
I can honestly say, I do not know how anyone can live in this world without this assurance: not all things are good, but God is good in all things. God is not our free pass out of the storms of life, but He is our peace within the storm.
David did not get everything right, but one thing he did get right was what he treasured most—his relationship with God. It didn’t matter if his life was good or if his life was threatened by the evil intentions of others, He called upon the name of God. Today, let's go back through Psalm 23 and reflect on the different names of God:
- The LORD is my Shepherd: Jehovah Rohi, He is our Shepherd.
- I shall not want: Jehovah Jireh, He is our provider.
- He makes me lie down in green pastures and still waters: Jehovah Shalom, He is our peace.
- He restores my soul and guides me in His righteousness: Jehovah Tsidkenu, He is our righteousness.
- For you are with me: Jehovah Shammah, He is the God who is always there.
- Your rod and staff comfort me: Jehovah Nissi, He is our banner of victory.
- Surely goodness and mercy follows us: Jehovah M’Kaddesh, He is the God who sanctifies.
The writer of Proverbs states in 18:10 (ESV), “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.” David, a shepherd boy who was known as Israel’s greatest king, knew his limitations, humbled himself, and called upon the name of God.
As we fight whatever battle life throws our way, our greatest defense will be to humble ourselves and call upon the name of God. The same powerful and loving God who allows us to face our enemies is the same God who will lead us to victory.
About this Plan

As we take a journey through Psalm 23 and John 10, it is our prayer that this 10-day plan will restore your hope, strengthen your faith, and give you a deeper understanding of the good Shepherd's peace, provision, and protection.
We would like to thank Cup of Joy for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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