Thirty Days of Thanksgiving and Worship Sample

I Wanna Be a Doorkeeper...
For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand.
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
Than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Psalm 84:10
Nothing compares with the felt presence of the Living God. As King David speaks to us through the ages in Psalm 16:11, in His presence is fullness and joy and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Anna knew about this place of incredible blessing. The few short verses found in Luke 2:36-38, tell us of a woman who experienced much tragedy and sadness when she lost the husband of her youth. However, we discover that Anna found even greater treasure and fulfillment to replace her loss in the presence of the Lord in the temple. God’s Word so simply but profoundly tells us, she served God with fasting and prayers night and day.
Anna positioned herself as a doorkeeper in the house of God.
Now, back to us. How do we feel or sense God’s presence? This is the work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead. He is coequal, co-divine, co-existent, and co-eternal with the Father and the Son and He dwells within each of us who have received Jesus by faith. Jesus told us the Holy Spirit would manifest the presence of the Lord to us. How does He do that? Yes, most certainly, the veracity of God’s Word tells us this. But it is also, the confirmation experienced deep within our spirit that we belong irrevocably to the Father and that we are now His temple.
So, to be a doorkeeper in the King’s court. Easily offering praise and adoration from our overflowing sense of His presence throughout the day, every day. No matter where we are or how hectic life can get. This is the high calling and privilege of every believer. This is life in excess. Nothing compares. Nothing fulfills. Nothing satisfies, like the very presence of God.
Let’s be doorkeepers too.
About this Plan

Need some refreshment or joy right now? Join Sue Boldt on a month-long journey of adoration that will position us into God's presence and power. We will encounter Jesus as we take a more in-depth look at what the Bible says about a life of thanks-living. And we will broaden our understanding of worship in our daily walk that He so richly deserves.
We would like to thank Sue Boldt for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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