7 Day No More Yelling Moms DevotionalSample

Name two reasons why it’s important for you to be an example of Jesus Christ as a mom.
This verse in James is sobering to me. How can I call myself a Christ-follower and make excuses for my unkind words or yelling in anger? It pains me to think my religion would be worthless all because I don’t bridle my tongue!
One of my chief desires as a mother is that my kids would be attracted to Jesus because they see so much of Him in me. I sure wouldn’t want them to think Jesus would yell at them every day!
Still, let’s not let Satan condemn us, or wallow in useless guilt. Jesus came to give us life and freedom from guilt. In Triggers, I write that we should allow godly conviction to “catapult [us] toward spiritual growth and freedom”! That’s what this challenge is all about--making a commitment to becoming a more gentle mom and putting yelling behind us, for good.
If our kids only respond to us when we yell, it’s because we have trained them to do so. Let’s consider a new plan and be patient as our kids learn to respond to our gentle mothering.
Lord, of course I want to be an example of You to my kids. I need You to continue to bridle my tongue and change me from the inside out. I want to feel Your love for me, even though I have been an angry yelling mom. Please wash me and make me clean--I want my kids to see You reflected in how I parent them. In Jesus Name’ amen!
CONSIDER: God will help you to put off yelling and put on gentleness--so trust Him to do it!
About this Plan

No mom wants to yell at her kids. Some of us feel guilty for raising our voices in frustration and we want to stop. This 7-day devotional offers help and hope for moms who are stuck in a cycle of yelling. We will replace angry reactions with specific things to do and say, rooted in Scripture, that will breathe life into the hearts of our children!
We would like to thank Amber Lia for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.amberandwendy.com/
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