A Cord of Three StrandsSample

Home Finances
The biblical truth conscious Christian family will see money as a servant and not as a lord, so they will not live to get money at any price:
- Many marital mismatches, frictions, and even separations have their roots in the couple's lack of proper financial planning - Matthew 14:20;
- The Christian family's financial budget should include expenses with food, clothing, rent (or dividends), expenses with water, electricity, telephone, gas, health (doctor, dentist, pharmacy), education (tuition, books, school supplies), transport and leisure. All of this is necessary. You should also provide some form of savings for any family emergency. But first of all, there is the consecration of tithes and offerings to the Lord (Malachi 3:10) and help to those in need (Matthew 25: 31-46).
Practical suggestions for financial balance in the family:
- Avoid separate accounts. If the husband and wife work outside the home, they must add up their wages and together prioritize. Otherwise, there will be no prosperity;
- Do not use money to try to control family members, or to fill them with gifts in an attempt to make up for their absence;
- Have your own standard of living; do not want to compete with your neighbor, friend or relatives. Be content with what God has given you;
- Beware of unnecessary promotions and purchases. If you have a compulsion toward consumerism, pray about it and seek liberation;
- Be careful with your credit card, as it can easily unbalance your finances. Only buy in installments if you have a good margin of safety that you can pay without compromising your family budget and Christian witness (Psalm 37:21; Romans 13: 8);
- Only become someone's guarantee if you have the financial conditions and the will to assume that person's debt, if you cannot fulfill or pay your commitment (Proverbs 11:15; 17:18; 20:16; 22:26; 27: 13);
- Don't borrow money, except in emergencies;
- Be honest in your business, keep your commitments up to date, pay Caesar (government) what is owed, and God for what His Word commands (Matthew 22:21).
1. Review together what the family budget is like. Set priorities. Cut some unnecessary expenses. Debt control. Plan how to invest in moments of pleasure. Strive to be faithful to tithing.
About this Plan

For a couple who wants to have an alliance with God
We would like to thank Rafael Nieweglowski for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafael-nieweglowski-0121678