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Jesus and the Coronavirus: Constructive Thoughts (Hillsong London)Sample

Jesus and the Coronavirus: Constructive Thoughts (Hillsong London)

DAY 15 OF 23

Be People of a Different Order


As these unsettling and uncertain times continue, with no clear end in sight, we have a continuing opportunity to examine who we are as the church of Jesus Christ. Over the next seven days, we will reflect on scriptural insight into the primitive church (the explosive growth of the church of the 1st and 2nd centuries AD) as we seek to understand our own identity.

‘Ekklesia’, the word that Jesus used to initially describe His ‘Church’ in Matthew 16, was originally a secular term that invoked the idea of a people called aside for a purpose - namely to make political decisions. It was used in the contexts of like-minded people gathering together.

The first Christians (‘Christian’ means ‘Little Christ’) saw themselves as citizens of a different political order - ‘foreigners’ and ’strangers’ to the state. They had been called out of darkness into light, and were no longer citizens of the kingdom of the world. Instead, they were part of this revolutionary kingdom of God’s love.

You are God’s child. You are a citizen of His kingdom. You do not need to be a slave to the ways of the world. Choose Christ’s way today. Choose love. Choose servanthood. Choose selflessness. 


Peter teaches us that as we understand our identity as a ‘chosen people’, it will release us to ‘show others the goodness of God’. 

Take 15 minutes to reflect on God’s love for you today. Meditate on your identity in Him.

Then: call someone to encourage them with God’s goodness. 

About this Plan

Jesus and the Coronavirus: Constructive Thoughts (Hillsong London)

The effects of Covid-19 are not to be treated lightly. People's lives are being impacted physically and financially and some have lost loved ones. Instead of only musing theologically, there are practical things we can do in the midst of these uncertain times to help ourselves and others in faith.


We would like to thank Hillsong Church - London for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: