The cross is a symbol that people from all walks of life look to with awe and reverence. It was a brutal destination for Jesus, and though it was an instrument of His murder, He knew the sacrifice would lead to eternal life made available to all.
You see, unlike Jesus, the two criminals on either side of Him that were sentenced to die actually committed crimes. Although our Savior was wrongly sentenced, His mission was to offer Himself in an unbalanced trade: His death and resurrection for our sin.
The most beautiful part of this story is that Jesus used His last breaths to forgive this criminal and invite him into eternal life. While one of the criminals hurled insults at Jesus, mocking Him for not being able to save even Himself, the other criminal pleaded with Jesus for one request: “Remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.” Jesus answered: “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:42-43)
Jesus felt excruciating pain — thorns piercing His head and wounds severe. And He did all of this for you. His sacrifice was made for you. But don’t forget the most important part: His resurrection was also gifted for you. We don’t accept love from a Jesus who is still hanging on wooden posts, stained with His blood. We accept love from a living God! We look to the cross as a symbol, reminding us what our King conquered for every single one of us.
Every single one of us
Held in Your heart and mind
When You bore that sacrifice
Thank you, Jesus, for Your suffering. Thank you for taking on death in exchange for the forgiveness of sins. Help me remember that Your sacrifice was for every single person and let it expand my heart to love others like You do. I am grateful that I walk in Your grace and I am forgiven from my past mistakes. With gratitude, I pray all of these things in Jesus’ name, amen.
About this Plan

We have created this resource for you to grow closer to God around the belief that Christ came for everyone, especially you!
We would like to thank Saddleback Worship for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: