Strong With Lisa BevereSample

Our True Desire
Everyone is looking for fulfillment. Some may turn to money, power, or worldly success to find it. For others it is in the pursuit of love, sex, or approval. Fulfillment may even be sought in positive things, like helping people or advocating for justice. But eventually, if we’re looking for fulfillment outside of God, we will end up disappointed.
It is always frustrating to look for the right thing in the wrong place. We need to lift our eyes heavenward, because our help comes from our Creator. It is only there that we will find our source and our fulfillment.
Here’s the sad truth: When we insist on chasing after other things, God lets us have our way. Just as He did not restrain Adam and Eve from reaching out and taking the fruit in the Garden, He does not restrain us from grasping at something to get our way. He wants to be our true desire, but He lets us have what we want, even if it is harmful to us.
When we stomp our feet and say, “No! I want what I want!” God steps back and He lets us have what our foolish will demands. It is only later that we discover it falls short of our hopes.
God doesn’t want us punished any more than He wants us held captive.
Listen to His open invitation: “‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land’” (Isaiah 1:18–19).
Let us return to Him with willing and obedient hearts and make Him our source of strength and help.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for turning to faithless things when You are my true source of life and help. Wash me clean and help me to develop a willing and obedient spirit.
I am strong, because the maker of heaven and earth has made me so.
About this Plan

How can you live as a confident woman of faith? Lisa Bevere leads you in finding your strength, not from trying harder or doing more, but through a deep and devoted relationship with God—knowing and following Him.
We would like to thank John & Lisa Bevere (Messenger Int'l) for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: