Alive: Lent DevotionalsSample

Alive: Real food
Having enough to eat is not only vital for survival, but sharing a meal with others is part of what it means to be human. It is also central to our faith, as we remember Jesus’ final meal before He was crucified when we take communion.
We should enjoy our food thoughtfully, considering why, how fast, and where we are eating, who we are eating with and where our food has come from. Were the people who farmed the food treated fairly? Has it contributed to environmental breakdown?
Our joy in eating is diminished when our food has caused the destruction of forests or robbed local farmers of their livelihoods. Our responsibility is to try to eat sustainably, making every effort to “do good while we live,” so our habits will allow others to enjoy creation’s bounty.
Father God,
Thank You for the abundance of Your creation – that You have made a world with enough food for all to enjoy. Help us to guard this precious gift, eating in holiness and gratitude. Amen.
Author: Ruth Valerio, Tearfund
About this Plan

These Lent devotionals will take you on a journey to discover the abundant life that Jesus offers. The world is full of noise and distraction – bright lights that lead us away from the depth of life, keeping us in the shallows. The kingdom of heaven – the kingdom of life and love and joy – is closer than we think. Let us grasp it with both hands.
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