The Sacredness of SinglenessSample

A Sacred Single Life
One of the most important relationships you have in your entire life is the one with yourself. We can, of course, argue that our relationship with God is more important, which it is. However, work on the relationship you have with yourself. Cultivate love in that. Doing so does not mean cultivating narcissism or selfishness. Essentially, it means allowing God to love you. Be open and honest. Be kind to yourself in the face of your perceived failures. Realize that you are not alone, and that others probably have had similar experiences as you. Everyone experiences seasons of highs and lows. Being kind and accepting of yourself tends to generate the same attitude towards others. Although you may feel lonely at times, remember you are not the only single person left behind.
There is a sacredness to singleness. This sacredness means being connected with God. It is a blessing to be single. There are people in the Bible who were single and made history. They include Paul, Martha, Jeremiah, and John the Baptist, to name a few. Not everyone is called to live a married life. Focus on growing and being secure in Christ, not your status.
The Scriptures tell of a woman, by the name of Anna, who was married for seven years before her husband passed away. Anna dedicated the rest of her life to God. The Bible says that she remained single and a widow up to the age of 84. She never left the temple and worshipped God day and night. Anna connected her singleness to God in a sacred way. She was content and faithful to God.
God knows your future. Pray His will over your life. Use this time to seek Him. The more you seek God, the more you will know Him. The more you know Him, the more you will know who He created you to be. Celebrate the state you are in because He is in it with you. You are never alone.
The truth is most of us have a desire to get married, but we may not marry, or marry again. Instead of focusing on marriage, allow your current state to bless your life. Like Anna, allow God’s love to transform you into the person He created you to be: the best version of yourself. Jesus called it the gift of being single. This is your time to grow and become the greatest reflection of Christ. He is your true identity.
About this Plan

Singleness is a gift. Jesus and the Apostle Paul both refer to it as a gift. It is a season to experience a sacred journey with God, one that is filled with serving and loving Jesus.
We would like to thank Oral Roberts Univesrity (ORU) for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: