On the Road Home: How to Journey SafelySample

Day 1 – From the pigsty to the father’s house: The story of a man who got lost in life (Luke 15:11-32)
The youngster in this story experienced what we have experienced ourselves before we met the Lord; he started a journey without a destination. Here we see a young man to whom we can relate. Wishing to be happy by his own means. He was proud of himself. But in fact, he was blind and his relationship with his father was broken.
Later, we see this same young man in a pigsty, in the midst of the dirt of his disobedience, consumed by all the filth - a picture of what happens when we turn our back to God.
But then, the young man becomes aware of what he has lost, the communion with his father. This is exactly what humanity has lost as a consequence of Adam’s sin. He realises that it is not the place where he should be, that in this pigsty pen his life can only have one outcome: death. Having become aware of this reality, he decides to return to his father. He knows that he will find fulfilment there.
However, what a great surprise awaits him there! When he begs for forgiveness for his sins, his father, rich in mercy, not only forgives him but also acknowledges him as his beloved son. He dresses him in the best clothes, puts a ring on his finger, gives new sandals for his feet, covers him with glory and throws a great party.
We were that young man in the pigsty. By the grace of God, by the merits of Christ, and by the work of the Holy Spirit, our heart awoke, and we realised our need to beg our God for forgiveness. Far from rejecting us, He forgave us in His great mercy, changed our robes, and now regards us as His children. He has made us participants in His promise and prepared a home for us in heaven. This is not only the place to which we are going, but also the place to which we belong.
Our life has become a pilgrimage. Every step is one step closer to home. Thank God. When we are asked, “where are you going?” we can say: “we are going to our Father’s house.” We know where we are going! And Paul’s words resonate in our minds: “we are confident of this very thing, that He who hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the Day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).
Samuel Alonso
Thank you, Father, for giving us a destiny, for restoring the fellowship with You, and for giving meaning to our life’s journey.
We are grateful for belonging to our heavenly home by the grace and the merits of Christ.
Thank you, Father, for taking us out of the filth and trash, for perfecting us while we walk, and for giving us hope that we will reach the finish line.
We confess that sometimes we allow the mud to stain our view, and not fix our eyes on Jesus.
Forgive us for our lack of courage and for not declaring to those around us where we are going and why.
We ask that you continue to perfect us so that we will take more and more pleasure in the day when we arrive in the Father’s house.
Grant us that in the struggles we encounter in our journey, our self-sufficiency and our pride will become smaller, and that we never cease to realise from what You have delivered us.
We humbly ask that our communion with You will grow, that You give us the strength for the steps to take and enable us to glorify You with excellence.
About this Plan

Here on earth we will have experiences of feeling at home, a sense of belonging. We are called to strive for this as much as possible, whether in our private homes or in a church community. Both are images of the heavenly HOME. That heavenly HOME will ultimately and fully fulfill all our longing.
We would like to thank Israel Montes for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.europeanea.org/week-of-prayer/