How Can I Become a Leader in My ChurchSample

Desiring to Lead as Servants
In the secular world, leadership is often marked by self-interest and competition, where people strive to climb over others to reach the top. This stands in stark contrast to the biblical model of leadership, which calls for humility and servanthood. Jesus teaches that in His Kingdom, the greatest leaders are those who serve others selflessly.
That, however, is not the way of the Kingdom. Christ said that in His Kingdom a leader needs to be a slave to others. He added that if anyone desires to be the greatest, he must be the servant of all. Then, Jesus himself gave the ultimate eternal example of servanthood at the last supper. The Son of God, the One who created the Universe, got down on His knees and washed the dirty feet of His disciples. By doing so, Jesus demonstrated that Kingdom leadership is servant leadership.
Being a servant is an attitude that we must cultivate from the beginning. We should not wait until we attain a position of leadership to start serving others with kindness and humility. The Bible teaches that all humans are inherently sinful, and positions of power can reveal the sinful attitudes already present in our hearts. True servanthood is demonstrated in humility and a constant reliance on God's grace. If we consider ourselves better than others, this prideful attitude will manifest in our leadership. Instead, we must think of ourselves with humility, recognizing that any measure of faith or ability we have is a gift from God. By submitting ourselves to Him and relying on His grace, we can lead effectively in His Kingdom.
At the same time, do not ever think that serving in the Kingdom of God is temporary. Do not think that once you get into the office of a leader, you will become too important to serve others and less important people will serve you. If that is what you think, you might want to stop desiring to leadin Christ’s Church. In the Kingdom, the greatest leaders should serve the most. That is the principle from the Word of God. Learn to be a servant, and when the time is right, God will make you a great leader.
This devotional was inspired by an episode of the Straight Truth Podcast. You can listen to the episode at this link: Click Here
About this Plan

The Lord gave gifts to every person. Every Christian can lead in God’s church. The desire to lead in the Kingdom is a noble desire. However, to lead in God’s church efficiently we must do it with a noble motive, humbly and faithfully. Our elders can also affirm the gift of God in us. We should lead according to our ability, willingly and with a servant heart.
We would like to thank Walking In Grace / Richard Caldwell for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: