Read To Me Daily Semester 4Sample

AMOS 7-8:
Our reading in chapter 6 of Amos included these words quoted in the New Testament in Stephen’s speech in Acts 7:
25 NLT “Was it to me you were bringing sacrifices and offerings during the forty years in the wilderness, Israel?
26 No, you served your pagan gods—Sakkuth your king god and Kaiwan your star god— …
This translation makes it sound like the Israelites never gave sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness, which we know is false. So we should understand both Amos’ and Stephen’s words an exaggeration or hyperbole.
In Isaiah 47, we heard how God criticized the Babylonians just like Amos criticized the people of Judah and the Northern Kingdom for living in uncaring luxury built upon the unjust treatment of others. And God taunted the Babylonians to use their magic charms to try to charm away his coming judgment.
Today we begin our last New Testament book this year. The book of Revelation is also called the Apocalypse. The apostle John clearly tells us that he is the author of this book and that he was at that time in exile on the island of Patmos.
Four early church fathers affirm that John was exiled to the island of Patmos during Domitian’s reign. They wrote that the Roman government allowed John to return to Ephesus after Domitian died. And I have seen a picture of John’s tomb at Ephesus. Domitian died in A.D. 96. Consequently many interpreters date the writing of this book near A.D. 95 or 96.
Experts claim that Revelation contains between 278 and 500 allusions to Old Testament verses. However John never actually quotes from the Old Testament, but just make obvious allusions to it.
The book of Revelation has the reputation of being a hard book to understand, and people have often said to me that it must be hard to translate. On the contrary, Revelation is a rather easy book to translate! And John’s main points in writing this book are not at all hard to understand. To help us understand, here are two important observations:
- Remember that this book is full of symbolism and that many things are not to be taken literally.
- Realize that most of this book is not arranged chronologically. What we have instead is a series of visions that show the same events from different perspectives.
Let’s pray.
Dear Lord Jesus, keep us from getting caught up in religion— meaning the man-made observances of ritual and rules that seem wise, which make people feel good about themselves, but which represents the kind of busy-ness that You hate. It is religion that does nothing to control our sinful passions. Give us the true religion where we actually come to know You and are joined as one with You.
(Amos 5:24:) “Let justice flow like a stream, and righteousness like a river that never goes dry.”
Also, Lord, keep us away from the influence of church leaders who enjoy being the sole ruler of their little kingdoms. Protect us from leaders who do not lead by example, but by rules. Protect your flock from shepherds who do not love the sheep. Protect us from leaders who do not serve the flock, but only want people to serve them. Protect us from leaders who tell lies or engage in jealous gossip just to enforce their rule over the church. We praise You that most of our pastors are not like those just mentioned. So we ask, dear Lord, that we will never turn from trusting in your gracious kindness to us, to a form of religion where we try to gain points in your eyes by empty religious rituals. Thank You that there is no way that our feeble efforts can improve on the position You have given us as your adopted children. Our sacrifice to You today is our heartfelt praise.
About this Plan

This plan covers the fourth and final semester (116 days) in the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan. The DDD plan delivers the chronological content of the Bible in two Old Testament portions per day plus one New Testament portion. The audio devotional introduction to each day's readings will help you to remember what you read before, and will encourage you to dig deeper to find the treasures in God’s Word.
We would like to thank Pioneer Bible Translators for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: