Go: A 40-Day Journey To The Never ReachedSample

Seasons of Buildup
By: Joel Hoobyer
God engineered seasons of buildup as a part of nature. We see this in the way that clouds take up water before the rain and in the development of a seed into a tree. Few desirable plants grow rapidly. Weeds and thorns grow quickly. The good stuff takes time.
Waiting goes against our nature. But it’s part of God’s plan.
Sooner or later, we all must wait. Not only does this go against our preferences, it also seems to conflict with Jesus’ command to “go into all the world and make disciples.” Should we wait or should we go?
The Lord will make our next steps clear when we spend time in his presence on a daily basis. Three fruits result from seasons of buildup:
1. Character. In waiting, we can develop godly habits and consistency.
2. Power. We are empowered to exalt God.
3. Open doors. We are given opportunity for effective ministry.
One of the hardest things to do as a Christian is to wait. An amazing thing about the story of Pentecost was that the disciples obeyed. They waited. God had ordained a specific season of buildup for them, and when it was complete, power flowed freely.
Imagine being the guy who headed home and missed Pentecost. God sometimes calls us to seasons of buildup. Seasons of fruitfulness are always preceded by seasons of buildup.
When was the last time you waited in obedience to God? God speaks loudest in seasons of waiting. Quiet yourself and hear God speak. Allow him to develop lasting character in you, character that will become fertile soil for power from on high. God will open wide the doors for you to carry that power into the next season of your life.
Go Wait
Spiritual power proceeds from waiting in God’s presence. Commit to spending time seeking the Lord for your own personal Pentecost and renewed power to witness in your home town, your nation, and to the ends of the earth. And in the waiting, never lose sight of the end goal—going to the ends of the earth as a witness for Christ.
Pray for Never Reached People Group: Indonesia’s Madura: Kangean
Pray that God will raise up and empower believers from Madura: Kangean to build a strong church to reach their own people.
About this Plan

Jesus walked on this earth for exactly 40 days after his resurrection. During those 40-days, one word resounds: GO. Dive into the stories and perspectives of people who love the Never Reached as they unpack why Jesus’ words mandate all Christ-followers to Go.
We would like to thank Assemblies of God World Missions - Asia Pacific for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://asiapacificmissions.org/