Fault-Proof Your MarriageSample

Fault-proofing your marriage involves aligning your mindset with God's. It also involves going to battle through prayer. We want to guide your journey in prayer through these written prayers and reflective prompts.
Opening Prayer
“Heavenly Father, You say that it is to my glory to overlook a fault. Also, that patience is a virtue and grace a gift. These are things that You have already shown time and time again. If You held my sins and faults against me, I would have no hope. Instead, You willingly forgive and even provide the pathway for that forgiveness to take place through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Receive my praise for Your patience. Accept my worship for your willingness to forgive. I honor Your heart which so readily overlooks my faults. Mold me into Your likeness in my character and emotions, Lord, so that I can reflect You in my marriage. In Jesus' name, amen.”
Reflect On Your Situation
Use this time to identify patterns that may have crept into your marriage relationship where criticizing or fault-finding exist. It could be in yourself, your spouse or even in both of you. (If your marriage doesn’t struggle in this area, then use this time to thank God and ask Him to continue to protect your marriage from this happening.)
Once your patterns are identified, pray through each area and ask God for wisdom and awareness on how to overcome them. Seek to replace anything negative that would normally come from your mouth with something positive. Choose something affirming rather than derogatory.
As you continue to do these things, a tendency toward finding fault will lessen. If it is your spouse who is quick to find faults with you, ask God to intervene in his or her life and convict them of this sin. Then pray faithfully that the Lord will transform your spouse’s mind, heart and words by the power of His Spirit into that which brings life into your marriage instead.
Closing Prayer
“Gracious Lord, help me to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger (James 1:19). Help me to be mindful of what I say both to and about my spouse. Rather than look to correct my spouse, I ask that You help me look to encourage my spouse. Create in me a clean heart and a pure spirit which seeks to bring good and not bad to those around me. Please also cause my spouse not to fall into the trap of fault-finding regarding me either. Give my spouse self-control over what they say to me and about me. Enable my spouse to recognize the good in me and overlook my faults. Thank You for giving us both the ability to improve in this area of our marriage as we trust in You to do just that. In Christ’s name, amen.”
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About this Plan

Gain insights into how you can fault-proof your marriage from NY Times bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson and Heather Hair. This reading plan also includes prayer prompts and guided reflection.
We would like to thank Bruce Wilkinson and Heather Hair (authors of "Prayers of Blessing Over My Marriage"), in conjunction with Harvest House Publishers for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0736971858