3 Weapons of a Spiritual WarriorSample

DAY ONE – Don’t Run and Hide
No one can avoid dark times in life, not even a queen.
The Bible tells the story of Queen Esther, a young Jewish woman who knew how it felt to go through hard times. Esther lost her parents at a very early age and was raised by her cousin Mordecai who taught her to fast and pray.
During the reign of King Xerxes, Esther became queen through an extensive, year-long preparation process. But that was not the end of her story. At some point after Esther married Xerxes, Mordecai discovered that Haman, one of the king’s nobles, was plotting to kill the Jewish people.
Esther had not told anyone she was Jewish because Mordecai instructed her not to, so she didn’t know how the king would react. Plus, the law said you had to be summoned to see the king, even if you were the queen.
But Esther was willing. She didn’t run and hide when things got tough.
Before presenting herself to Xerxes, Esther fasted for three days, and she asked all the Jewish people and her maids to fast with her. Then she went before the king. Not only did he extend his scepter to her, but he ultimately issued a new order that saved the Jewish people from annihilation and he then had Haman killed instead.
When Esther faced a situation that could have cost her life, she used three weapons that should be in every ferocious warrior’s arsenal: prayer, fasting, and God’s Word.
About this Plan

Cora Jakes Coleman teaches you three important keys to becoming a ferocious warrior for God’s kingdom and to overcoming every dark obstacle in your life.
We would like to thank Charisma House for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://ferociouswarrior.com/