Hallowed Be Thy NameSample

Yeshua: He saves
Matt 1:21 And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.
Jesus is the English version of the original Hebrew name Yeshua. Yeshua was a common name in Jewish history, yet this Yeshua was special because He was Yeshua the Messiah, the long awaited Savior of the Jewish people. And the rest of the world.
The name of Jesus is the most popular and recognised name in history. His name has been mocked by some and worshipped by others. But there will come a day when the knee of every man, woman, and child will bow before that highly exalted Name Jesus.
Phil 2:9 Therefore God also has highly exalted him, and given Him the name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord..
But why this immense honour on Jesus? Why is the name of Jesus above every name?
It is because this highly exalted Jesus exchanged His crown of glory for a crown of thorns. He exchanged a royal throne for a cruel cross. He emptied Himself completely so that our empty barren lives can be filled. He humbled Himself in that, though being the Creator God, He allowed His creation to crucify Him. He died for us so that we may live.
Truly Yeshua has saved us from our sins!
Acts 3:6 Then Peter said, “ Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”
Jesus died, was buried but on the third day, He rose up and later ascended back to the Father in heaven. Even after He was gone, His name still worked astounding miracles! A lame beggar walked because of the name of Jesus. There is tremendous authority in the name of Jesus. Demons shudder, sicknesses leave, prison doors open, and captives are set free in the powerful name of Yeshua!
♥ Response: Lord, open my eyes to the power in the name of Jesus! Thank You for saving me from my sins. I bend my knees before You and declare that Jesus- You are Lord, there is no other. In Jesus’ name.
I give You thanks always for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph 5:20
May the fear of God fall upon all people and may the name of Jesus be magnified. Acts 19:17
Whatever I do in word or deed, I do all in the name of the Lord Jesus and I give thanks to the Father through Him. Col 3:17
I choose to obey Your commandment, Lord, to believe on the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and to love others. 1 John 3:23
May the name of Jesus be glorified in me and I in Him. 2 Thess 1:12
I was washed, I was sanctified and I was justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Cor 6:11
Lord, stretch out Your hand to heal and may signs and wonders be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus. Acts 4:30
Jesus, I thank You that whatever I ask in Your name, You will do it so that the Father may be glorified in You, Jesus. John 14:13
I will ask in the name of Jesus and I will receive and my joy will be full. John 16:24
I thank You, Jesus, in Your name, I cast out demons, I speak in new tongues, I take up serpents and if I drink anything deadly, it will not hurt me. I lay hands on the sick and they recover, in the name of Jesus . Mark 16:17-18
Let’s pray:
Pray that God would raise many people like Joseph in our country, who will have the wisdom to eradicate poverty and illiteracy
Pray for jobs to be created and India would have peace, progress and development
Pray against all injustice and ask the Lord to flood the land with justice.
About this Plan

One of the ways to know God, is by studying the names of God, that He Himself has revealed in the Bible. His names are a roadmap to know Him. The names of God reveal His personality and nature. God has revealed Himself through His names. Ps 8:9 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!
We would like to thank New Life Lokhandwala for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://vijaynadar.com/