Who is the Holy Spirit? And What Are Your Spiritual Gifts?Sample

Who receives “spiritual gifts”?
God's supreme gift to us is himself. “Spiritual gifts” are means by which we can know our Father better and serve him more effectively.
Spiritual gifts are God's way of equipping and enabling us for our world mission and ministry. They are equipment necessary for service.
They are bestowed on believers as the Spirit chooses (1 Corinthians 12:11), not as we might wish. They are often given in accordance with natural talents but always supercede them.
The New Testament provides three lists of spiritual gifts:
- 1 Corinthians 12
- Romans 12
- Ephesians 4
Theologians have classified them as:
- ministry of the word vs. practical ministry
- and as motivational, ministering, and manifestational.
Ephesians 4 provides the orders of ministry given the church, while 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12 list the gifts themselves. Here are gifted people, according to Ephesians 4:11.
First come "apostles." Their qualifications (1 Corinthians 9:1; Acts 1:22; 14:4, 7) are that they saw Jesus, were witness to the resurrected Christ, and were called by him to this function.
The word means "delegate, messenger, one sent forth with orders." The title came to include more than the original Twelve, as Paul makes clear in greeting Andronicus and Junias, two who are "outstanding among the apostles" (Romans 16:7). Most theologians see the gift or office of "apostle" as one of introducing Christ and his gospel where it has never been preached, and leading churches to do the same.
The second office in Ephesians 4:11 is that of "prophet" (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:10). These were both male and female (cf. Deborah and Miriam in the Old Testament, and Philip's four daughters who prophesied in Acts 21:9).
The emphasis of their ministry was on forth-telling more than foretelling, though God occasionally gave them messages regarding the future as well as the present.
"Evangelists" were the third office, individuals who founded churches as roving ministers. We are all to do the work of evangelism (2 Timothy 2:5), but some are especially gifted for bringing souls to salvation.
The fourth office in Ephesians 4:11 is the "pastor-teacher" ("pastor" and "teacher" in the Greek syntax are one function). They are responsible for protecting, shepherding, and teaching the people of God. They are to "feed and lead" the church of Jesus Christ.
These are the four broad categories for the gifts the Holy Spirit gives us. In our next devotional, we’ll look at the specific spiritual gifts Scripture lists and offer you a way to discover your own spiritual gifts.
About this Plan

The Holy Spirit is often the most misunderstood member of the Trinity. But Christians should be more aware of who he is and what he does for us. This devotional will help you better appreciate and incorporate the Holy Spirit into your life. You will also discover your particular spiritual gifts, whether Christians should speak in tongues, and how you can be filled with the Holy Spirit.
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