90 Days Of Prayer: Daily Prayer Through PsalmsSample

Read Psalm 89 today.
What is the psalmist’s response to God?
What are the characteristics of God the psalmist lists?
God’s actions and promises are repeated throughout this Psalm. What are they?
God owns everything, and his justice and righteousness undergird everything he says as he keeps his promises.
As you reflect on this, pray in these ways and any other way the Holy Spirit leads.
- Prayers of praise and reflection, because God is creator, merciful, powerful—not only above the skies but also over the seas.
- Prayers for the church as a whole, and for those who teach and preach, that they might make God clearly known to another generation.
- Prayers for those who are being tempted to follow ways that are against God’s goodness and to reject God’s promises.
- Prayers for those who do not know Jesus, to have soft hearts towards him and make Jesus their rock.
- Prayers of thankfulness that our God sits on a throne of righteousness and justice.
- Prayers of praise to God for his promise that his kingdom would endure forever and it is fulfilled in Jesus Christ!
About this Plan

90 Days of Prayer includes daily prayers through the first 90 Psalms in the Bible. Each day will include a Psalm to read, questions to answer, a truth from that Psalm, and ways to pray through the Psalm.
We would like to thank Highland Park Presbyterian Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.hppres.org