90 Days Of Prayer: Daily Prayer Through PsalmsSample

Read Psalm 68 today.
According to the psalmist, what has God done? What can he do?
How often does the Lord bear us up (verse 19)?
We can call out to God for justice.
As you reflect on this, pray in these ways and any other way the Holy Spirit leads.
- Those who suffer injustices in our city and around the world.
- For those who fight unjust people and systems, that God would be their daily strength.
- That God would move and act today in the lives of those who are trapped in abusive marriages and relationships.
- That we would have eyes to see the tears and hear the cries of the marginalized, unseen, and hurting.
About this Plan

90 Days of Prayer includes daily prayers through the first 90 Psalms in the Bible. Each day will include a Psalm to read, questions to answer, a truth from that Psalm, and ways to pray through the Psalm.
We would like to thank Highland Park Presbyterian Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.hppres.org