Appointed To Bear Fruit: A 90 Day JourneySample

The Value System of Heaven
I find it interesting how, in Indonesia, when two people meet for the first time they introduce themselves in such a way to determine which of them has the higher status. This is important so that the person with the lower status can give deference to the person of higher status. The world links status with honor. In the world’s system, the one who washes the feet is in the lower position. The one whose feet is washed is the greater person. Following the world’s logic, we could conclude that if Jesus who washes the feet is Lord and Teacher, then the disciples are greater than God. Jesus turned the world’s system of power upside down. When the world’s system and values meet the Lord, the world’s system immediately collapses.
I am often surprised by the words of Jesus. This is one of those surprising statements. After Jesus finished washing their feet, Jesus should have told them: “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash My feet.” In room where they gathered, it should have been a madhouse with all 12 disciples fighting over the privilege of washing Jesus’ feet. But that’s not what Jesus told them to do. He never asked them to wash His feet. Instead, He told them to wash each other’s feet.
Think about how difficult that would be. The higher our opinion is of ourselves and the more we feel needed by our ministry, the greater the danger we face of becoming prideful. Our culture says that the lesser serves the greater. But in Jesus’ ministry, the greatest is the least. It is the one that serves with humility that is awarded the greatest honor. Jesus teaches us that it is not the lesser that serves the greater. Interestingly, He also doesn’t teach that the greater serves the lesser. He says that we are all servants who serve one another. Jesus’ teachings are superior to all the philosophies of the world and harder to implement by sinners like us.
Jesus asks the disciples to do the better thing. In other words, don’t be satisfied with a level 7 humility. Pursue level 10 humility. You can never be humble enough. Compared to 20 years ago, I am much humbler. God has been at work in me through the various ministry experiences I have had. My fellowship with other believers has also helped me to grow in humility. But if I am satisfied with my current level of humility, I am in danger of becoming prideful again. I may be humble enough to wash Jesus’ feet. I may even be humble enough to wash the feet of those who return the favor. But am I willing to serve those who do not return my service with similar actions, but betray me instead? Serving one another is not too lowly a task. It’s so much more humbling to serve the betrayers among us just like Jesus did.
It’s also important to remember why Jesus’ feet did not need washing. Jesus instructed the disciples that foot washing was a symbol of being made clean through the confession of sins, so that we will have restored fellowship with God. Each of us sin and need cleansing through confession. Jesus is the only one without sin. Yet, Christ identified Himself with our sins through His baptism so that He, as the Lamb of God, would take away the sins of the world. Jesus didn’t need cleansing because He was sinless.
All of the disciples’ feet were clean. And, even Judas ate the meal with clean feet. Jesus’ feet were dirty with the dust from the road, but soon it would not only be dust that made His feet dirty but the blood and sweat that would flow down His body as He bore our sin on the cross. “He who knew no sins was made sin for us so that we might have eternal life” (II Cor. 5:21).
Application: To what extent does the world’s system influence your heart and mind?
About this Plan

Understanding and meditating on Jesus' teaching and prayers in the Upper Room (John 13-17) the night before he was crucified will reveal God's purpose for your life and inspire you to take part in the most exciting movement on earth. Come and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to a missional life with Jesus that will release unspeakable joy.
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