Blending A Family 40 day DevotionalSample

Living Together Unmarried?
Our passion is for us and our children to experience God’s “abundance”. God has great plans for our families. His word has principles that make relationships work best.
We will be bold here and tell you that living together is not God's design.
The Journal of Marriage and Family published a study showing couples who lived together before marriage had a higher divorce rate after five years. When there is no commitment our relationships will only go so far.
The Bible states that pre-marital sex is contrary to what God intended for marriage. Please realize that families will not blend in this environment.
1. Cohabitation involves a lack of commitment between partners, for whatever reason(s). That issue is seldom discussed by a couple for fear of being perceived as “pushing” the other person to make commitments. Without commitment there can be (and probably is) a lack of fulfillment in the relationship.
2. When children perceive lack of commitment between adults, they may be hesitant to connect to the relationship.
We knew a 16-year-old son who saw his Mom crying one night. She was experiencing her fifth relationship failure. Frustrated, he told her, “Mom, every time a man leaves you, he leaves me, too.”
If our children tell us negative things about our partner, they risk us choosing our partner over them. That is a risk they may not be willing to take.
Marriage is not something that can be “tried-out” whether it will work. Marriage is created by God and models the perfect love between Jesus Christ and His church (us). A thriving marriage is two people committed to value and nurture, to love and honor, and to protect each other’s heart. It creates a best friend relationship, putting each other first ahead of our own desires. Marriages that work well have partners committed to making it work.
We believe that most struggles in marriage are spiritual. If we are building our home with God’s principles, our homes will be filled with love, peace, and joy.
Give thought to the reasons you are living together. (fear, finances, loneliness, etc.)
Children do what they see. Do you want your child to follow your example?
Our Prayer for you:
Holy Spirit, take control of negative circumstances, and bring life and truth into this family through the power of uplifting and life giving words, in Jesus’ name!
Copyright 2019 Moe and Paige Becnel @ Blending A Family Ministry
About this Plan

Blending a Family 40-day Devotional written by Moe and Paige Becnel at Blending a Family Ministry is a resource for remarried families. The Becnel’s married in 1989 with 5 children, and were quickly overwhelmed with many issues exclusive to blended families. The plan discusses the cause of the issues many families face, and provides solutions found in God’s Word that fuel family growth. God is for you!
We would like to thank Blending A Family Ministry for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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