See No EvilSample

A lot of people feel like God is unfair. And, they have some pretty logical reasons:
· Bad things happen to good people.
· Sometimes people pray and things get worse.
You may even feel that way right now. If so, don’t beat yourself up. We’ve all been there. But when Jesus was on Earth, He referred to God as “Abba.” Which means Father. Actually, it’s closer to Daddy. Jesus talked about God like a close, loving dad.
Whether or not your dad is close and loving, you probably know one or two that are. Or at least you’ve seen good dads in movies or TV shows.
And isn’t it true that good, loving dads feel unfair to their kids sometimes?
· Curfew is too early.
· Dating is monitored.
· Behavior comes with consequences and accountability.
Why are good dads like this? Because they love their kids and want what’s best for them!
Check out what the Psalmist says as He’s talking about God:
Your justice is eternal, and your instructions are perfectly true (Psalm 119:142 NLT).
God loves you. And even when you don’t feel like that’s true, there’s nothing more true! Like a good father, He wants what’s best for you. For one day, instead of trying to figure out if God is “fair” or not, focus that energy on all the ways God is expressing His love to you.
About this Plan

Injustice is all around us. It’s easy to want to turn our eyes to avoid dealing with it, but is that really the best way to live? We’ll take a look at the way God calls us to deal with the injustice around us. As we do, we’ll learn that the best way to get rid of evil and injustice is to see it—and then do something about it.
We would like to thank reThink Group for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: