Enough: Lent DevotionalsSample

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 12:34-35)
I had the privilege of staying with a family in their home in Zambia. They were so hospitable. One meal was a tough chicken. I struggled to get any meat off it, yet they had sacrificed giving it to me while they didn’t have any meat for themselves. I got emotional; here I was miles from home and hungry with my hosts trying in vain to satisfy my hunger. For millions, this is their life: they are constantly hungry.
My hosts gave me their best and showed me love. That night as I lay on the floor, I heard a noise. I switched on my torch – I was surrounded by rats. I immediately felt fear. There was nowhere to go. I cried out to God and prayed like I never had before. My heart was broken. My determination to help those in poverty was renewed.
Father, help us love one another as you have loved us. Give us the strength and passion to act on behalf of those who are hungry. Help us fight injustice and reach out to those who need Your love. We pray we would listen to what you ask of us and act on it rather than being held back in fear. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Hannah Awesome, Tearfund
About this Plan

In God’s eyes, we are more than enough. It’s why He sent His son to reconcile us to Him. Though we may never grasp just how much He loves us, at Lent we can take time to reflect on all He did for us. It's time to reject the message that we aren’t enough, and instead remember Christ died for us, just as we are.
We would like to thank Tearfund.org for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.tearfund.org/yv