1 Corinthians: A 9-Day Devotional For WomenSample

Body Life
1 Corinthians 12:12–31
Since Paul’s encounter with the Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus, his days were consumed with spreading the gospel and encouraging believers in their faith. He was a dedicated evangelist and disciple maker who confronted any people, philosophies, or misunderstandings that hindered the gospel. Paul spent a year and a half in Corinth, founding and nurturing the church there. So when he learned of the divisiveness at the Lord’s Supper caused by arrogant, powerful members, he knew they had failed to grasp his teaching.
From the beginning of his letter, Paul appeals to the Corinthians to “be united in the same mind and the same judgment” (1 Cor. 1:10), and he asks the insightful question, “Is Christ divided?” (1:13). The implication is clear: if Christ is not divided, the church should not be either, for it exists to reflect God’s character.
God’s sovereignty is on display here in Paul’s treatise, for God gives various spiritual gifts to build up the whole church and arranges the members in the body. Each member is there by God’s design alone, not by human fabrication or maneuvering. If one member were missing, it would be something less than a body; imagine a sensory organ telling the external limb it has no need of it! Because God has arranged all indispensable parts, no one should dare think of another, “I have no need of you” (12:21).
Paul takes it one step further. He is not satisfied with the Corinthians simply recognizing that each part is vitally important for the body to function. He also wants them to care for one another (v. 25), unified in empathetic love. “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (v. 26). What a beautiful picture of a deeply caring relationship! Anything that happens influences the whole. We should orient our lives in a way that encourages this kind of body life. We are not to be silently envious when life goes well for another, nor silently gleeful when another faces a setback. We rejoice and suffer together.
While Paul is clearly calling the Corinthians to be unified, he is also calling them to rejoice in their diversity. Within a beautifully unified church there are various gifts and ministries. We must strongly resist the inclination to rank these gifts and ministries, assuming some are more honorable than others; all of God’s gifts are to be embraced and appreciated.
Paul’s ancient words speak right to our hearts. We can succumb to the temptation either to set ourselves apart (out of pride) or to blend in (out of fear). If we share Paul’s passion to spread the gospel and disciple believers, we will humble ourselves, fight for unity, love diverse gifts, and thank God for his design. The health and witness of the church is at stake. —Donna Thoennes
About this Plan

In this 9-day devotional, read through the entire book of 1 Corinthians with devotional readings corresponding to select passages adapted from the ESV Women’s Devotional Bible.
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