Acts: To The Ends Of The EarthSample
This section has been called the centerpiece, the watershed, the turning point of the book of Acts.
This meeting of the church at Jerusalem is framed by Paul’s first and second missionary journeys. The purpose of this first church council is to consider the nature of the true gospel. The matter of concern is that some Jewish believers were urging Gentile believers to be circumcised, in order to be saved (vv. 1–5). This is the same concern addressed by Paul in his letter to the Galatians. He wrote this letter during his stay at Antioch (see Acts 14:28). If the church embraced this teaching, Christianity would become a mere sect of Judaism.
Such additions to the gospel, even if thought to be good and helpful things such as sacramental observance, are dangerous. They take our focus away from the sufficiency of Christ’s work alone as the means by which we are set right with God.
The debate is recorded in verses 6 to 12. This is Peter’s last appearance in Acts, and he clearly states his conviction (v.11). Barnabas and Paul underline God’s accreditation of their ministry (v. 12).
James, the Lord’s brother and leader of the Jerusalem church, diplomatically refers to Peter by his Hebrew name, Simeon (v. 14), but quotes Amos 9:11–14 from the Greek translation of the Old Testament. In doing so, he recognizes the presence of a number of Greek-speakers.
He says:
- the restored kingdom of God will include Gentiles (vv. 16–17);
- the people of God will include Gentiles (v. 14).
On the basis of what God has done and said, it is concluded there will be no additions to the true gospel. In verses 19 to 21, we read that a letter is drawn up and the decision is circulated.
Things that go without saying need to be said! Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. There must be no additions or subtractions to the true gospel.
This very minute, a sinner who is not circumcised, baptized, or confirmed may come to Jesus and, by repentance and faith, receive freely, immediately, and forever, the forgiveness of sin, the gift of the Holy Spirit and a warm reception into God’s worldwide family.
Think about some of the things you add, or are tempted to add, to the gospel, as a supplement to the work of Christ. By adding these things, have your standards of acceptance of other professing Christians become higher than those of God?
About this Plan
The book of Acts is one of the most exciting parts of the whole Bible. Jesus has ascended to heaven, the Spirit has come to the church and we see God at work. The Spirit empowers God’s people to fulfil the command of Jesus to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth, and in this fast-paced section of the Bible we see the growth of the church.
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