Yoke Breaking Anointing.Sample

Be Not Conformed To This World.
Transformation is a process. There are different levels of maturity. As you’re being fed the Word of God, your spiritual appetite begins to change from desiring the milk of the Word to craving the meat of God’s Word. As you mature in Christ, your spirit desires to know Him more. As you develop a closer and more intimate relationship with Him, you begin to crave the deeper things of God. Old carnal things die off and the new things in Christ are birthed. God gives you a new heart — a heart of flesh. The more you surrender to God, the more you‘ll be transformed by His Word.
The Greek Word, “Transformed”, according to Strong’s Concordance G3339 means, “to change into another form.” When you are in Christ, you’ve changed from the old man and transformed into a new person. When you’re in Christ you’re taking on Christ’s character and you begin to reflect His Heart and you instantly take on the Spiritual DNA of Christ. On the outside, you may look the same, but on the inside — you are completely different. When you submit to God, His Power will transform you forever. Surround yourself with His Word. Feed on His Instruction and He’ll renew your thoughts, He’ll shape your ways and renew your mind. Choosing to conform to the world is a choice. When you are in Christ, you have the power to overcome the world’s way of doing things. Which way will you bend? Will you choose to bend to the world or bow to Christ? Let Christ transform you from the inside out. Let Christ change your DNA.
About this Plan

Through these daily devotionals, discover how you can overcome every tactic, trap, and snare of the enemy. “Yoke Breaking Anointing”, was designed to teach readers how to deploy God’s Word and disarm the enemy’s war tactics. Discover how through Jesus Christ, addiction, lust, depression, sickness, and all power of the enemy is defeated. Become victorious and allow Christ to break every yoke of bondage from your life.
We would like to thank Vance K. Jackson for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: