Identity - Obtaining Revelation From TruthSample

For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. – Galatians 5:17 (NIV)
All people have sinned. All have fallen short in the glory of God. But God shows us in the scripture that he has made us a new creation. God took all the pieces of your life and put them back together. You are restored.
But the problem is far too many of us live out of our flesh. We often could not forgive ourselves for what we have done in the past. These are scars we carry in our lives. When we live like this, we are living out of the flesh instead of living in the spirit of God. When you lash out or strike out at someone, that is a fruit of the flesh. The fruit of the flesh is sin. The fruit of the flesh, in Galatians 5, is jealousy, envy, selfishness, drunkenness, rage—you can look them up! There is a long list in Galatians 5.
If we can know the fruit of our flesh and learn the fruit of living in the spirit of God, then we can learn to identify our flesh from our spirit at war with one another. It’s going to set us free. It’s going to equip us to be able to engage in a battle. It can stop us from living out of our flesh. We can start living out of what God has for us. God wants us to take our flesh and give it to him. He covers every wrong, every sin, and every broken heart. We must deny ourselves. When God looks at us, he never sees these cracks. He sees a perfect, complete, child of his. He loves us so much that he made us complete. Not perfect, but complete.
Let’s press into the Word even more so we can obtain a greater revelation about the security in God, with the goal to live out of the Truths in our lives!
About this Plan

Obtain is a verb - It implies action. So we are going to put some action into obtaining God’s truth and storing it in our hearts. How? Through reading God’s Word in daily nourishment portions. This study is a perfect way to begin to grow in your understanding of what you now have in Christ Jesus and renew your mind to become more like Him!
We would like to thank Sheri Yates, Amy Groeschel, and the SOAR Bible study in conjunction with iKan Ministries for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: