Rick Warren's Daily DevotionalSample

Make God Smile
Since pleasing God is the first purpose of your life, your most important task is to discover how to do that. The Bible says, "Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it." (Ephesians 5:10 MSG)
Fortunately, the Bible gives us a clear example of a life that gives pleasure to God. The man's name was Noah.
In Noah's day, the entire world had become morally bankrupt. Everyone lived for his or her own pleasure, not God's. God couldn't find anyone on earth interested in pleasing him, so he was grieved and regretted making man. God became so disgusted with the human race that he considered wiping it out.
But there was one man who made God smile. The Bible says, "Noah was a pleasure to the Lord." (Genesis 6:8 LB)
God, in a sense, said, "This guy brings me pleasure. He makes me smile. I'll start over with his family." Because Noah brought pleasure to God, you and I are alive today.
About this Plan

Do you know what God created you for? If you don't, then you may drift through the next ten years of your life instead of living out what God has called you to do. These devotionals by Rick Warren will help you get to where God wants you to go spiritually, financially, emotionally, relationally, and physically. They offer practical steps for reaching the goals God has for you.
We would like to thank Rick Warren for making these devotionals available. For more information about Rick Warren and Saddleback Church, please visit: www.saddlebackresources.com