Advent: The Journey to ChristmasSample

God Isn’t Far Away
In Joseph’s dream, the angel revealed that the birth of Jesus would fulfill centuries-old prophecy and end the separation that had existed between God and man since the first sin in the Garden of Eden. Joseph learned that Jesus would be “God with us.” How easy it can be to forget this truth!
We read in Exodus, long before the birth of Jesus, that Moses had to wait for God to speak to him on a mountaintop or through a burning bush. At that time, mankind did not have constant access to an intimate relationship with God. Sometimes, it can be easy to slip into this old mentality of communicating with God. How often do we still ask for our own burning bush, wishing for an explicit, tangible sign or a clear word from Him? Even as Christians, we can start to believe God is far away when it feels like we’re waiting and waiting to hear from Him.
We need to remember that Jesus has bridged the gap between us and God. He is God’s answer to our desire for a burning bush or a mountaintop conversation with Him. We don’t worship a distant God who doesn’t want to speak to us. Jesus has restored our relationship with Him and made a way for us to daily approach His throne with boldness.
This Christmas season, find comfort in knowing that God is with you. He hears your prayers, and He is for you. If God can mend our broken relationship with Him, think of what He can and will do in our lives and on our behalf!
Prayer: Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus, that He made a way for me to be close to You again. Thank You for desiring relationship with me so much that You sent Your only Son to die in my place. Father, give me boldness to seek You in prayer and worship, knowing I have access to You again through Jesus. Thank You for giving me confidence that You are always with me, that I am never alone.
About this Plan

Christmas is truly the greatest story ever told: one of God’s perfect faithfulness, power, salvation, and unfailing love. Let’s take a journey over the next 25 days to discover God’s intricate plan to save the world from sin and the promises fulfilled in the birth of His Son.
We would like to thank Church of the Highlands / Highlands Students / Highlands College for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: