The Guiding StarSample

The Star Hints At The Direction
So what brings the Magi to Jerusalem? Did the star lead them to the wrong place? Actually, the bible never tells us that they follow the star from the east to Bethlehem. It says in vs 2 says For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.
They saw the star. They recognized this as the birth star of Jesus. They concluded that the King could be born in none other than Jerusalem, the religious and political HQ of Israel. They were not well versed in the Torah or would have concluded differently.
In vs. 9 the bible says 9 After hearing the king, they went their way; and the star, which they had seen in the east, went on before them until it came and stood over the place where the Child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.
So the picture we get here, is that they are on an international treasure hunt. It isn’t as simple as following the star till they reach Jesus. At each stage in their journey they would get a clue. The first clue was the star - and this was no astronomical object, we will see why later. The first place they head towards on seeing this clue was Jerusalem the royal HQ of Israel.
Here, we see that the Kings ascertains from the religious leaders of the Jews as to where their expected king was to be born. They in turn now present the next clue. The child is in Bethlehem.
While that gave some clarity, how would they know among all houses and all children, which one is their King? They reach a dead end. It is at this point that the star reappears. Note that the previous reference of this star is at “the East” – their own country. When they needed it most it appears and leads them the next few kilometers right to the house of Jesus.
So if a star could travel over few kilometers and stop over a house, is it really an astronomical object? Obviously not. It is a special guiding light sent from God to those who are seeking.
Is our search so serious, that God sends His light to reveal direction? Are we ready to follow that direction to the ends of the earth?
About this Plan

The traditional manger scene is very unlike the real manger scene which had no wise men, no star. The wise men (Magi) led by the star surfaced almost two years later at the house of Jesus. Again, the star may not have been visible for the whole journey but emerges when required. It reflects God’s mysterious, magical guiding hand over our lives which we will reflect on, during this seven day devotional.
We would like to thank Bella Pillai for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: