Living a Better StorySample

Overcome fear.
Fear keeps people frozen. And like the song from the movie, we need to learn to “Let it go, let it go!” If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you need to go watch the movie Frozen.
But that’s what fear does; it keeps us frozen. Fear keeps us stuck from moving forward or going after an opportunity. It will keep us living a pretty lame story until we learn to let it go.
But like that verse you just read was talking about, fear isn’t from God. God gave us power and love and discipline.
If we live by fear then we’ll miss out on so much God has for us.
So whatever we fear, we need to learn to trust God with that thing and give it over to Him.
That very thing we fear we should face head-on.
So what is it for you? What do you fear most? Give it to God, face it head on, and know those who overcome their fears live out stories worth telling.
About this Plan

We all live out a story, but are all our stories worth telling? In this plan we’ll look at four ways to live a better story.
We would like to thank Switch, a ministry Life.Church, for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: