The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel, Classic Version, 2015Sample

Steve Sjogren wrote a book called Conspiracy of Kindness. He started a church in Cincinnati, Ohio, that has grown rapidly to an average attendance of 7,500 in just fifteen years. Their motto is, ‘Small things done with great love are changing the world’. They carry out random acts of kindness like paying for a stranger’s coffee, or writing a ‘thank you’ note to a shop assistant. They have discovered the power and impact of ‘showing God’s love in practical ways’.
As people tap into their own generous human spirit and share kindness with one another, they discover for themselves the power of kindness to effect positive change, both in their lives and in the lives of people around them. When kindness is expressed, healthy relationships are created, community connections are nourished, and people are inspired to pass kindness on.
Psalm 70:1-5
1. Trust in the kindness of God
God is kind. He loves you. Whatever your needs are today, you can cry out to him and he will be your help and deliverer.
David prays, ‘God! Please hurry to my rescue! God, come quickly to my side!’ (v.1, MSG). He goes on, ‘Yet I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay’ (v.5). As he cries out, he remembers God’s kindness to him in the past.
As I look back at this passage in my Bible and see cries for help that I have written down beside it over several years, I pray:
Thank you, Lord, so much for your kindness and love. Thank you for the ways that you have heard my cries for help. Thank you for those prayers that you have already answered and for those for which I am still waiting, knowing that you hear my prayers. Today, I want to add the following prayers …
Acts 3:1-26
2. Act kindly to those in need
One act of kindness can transform a person’s day, or even their life. As the saying goes, ‘Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.’ Kindness is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Just after they had been filled with the Holy Spirit, we see in this passage what is later described as an ‘act of kindness’ (4:9) performed by Peter and John (3:1–10).
This ‘act of kindness’ led to a remarkable chain of events, which can perhaps best be described as ‘power evangelism’. It led to astonishing church growth. It was part of the beginning of an explosion that eventually was to change the whole world.
If we were asked to start a new church, I doubt we would have done it the way they did. They had no building, no money and no resources. It began with a bunch of fisherman and tax collectors and, among other things, a whole load of people speaking in tongues! Yet the church exploded into life with astonishing growth.
People from outside were attracted because of what they saw happening on the inside. They were attracted by the sheer undiluted power of God released through this ‘act of kindness’.
These two guys were on their way to an evening service. When they got there they saw a person in desperate need, begging for help. This is the sort of person that we might expect to find in one of the few places they could hope to receive any kindness.
The man ‘was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts’ (v.2). According to Josephus, it ‘far exceeded in value those gates plated in silver and gold’.
The gate was called Beautiful; and yet what they saw was not beautiful – a man crippled from birth begging.
Their hearts did not sink when they saw the incongruity. Rather, their faith rose. They did something. They healed him. They saw someone in need. They didn’t have any money but Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk’ (v.6).
There is great power in the name of Jesus. To the Hebrew mind a person’s name revealed their character. This was not a magic formula or a tag-on at the end of a prayer. This was the difference between the ministry of Jesus and that of his disciples. Jesus healed on his own authority, while the disciples did it in his name. In the same way, we are dependent on him. In our weakness, you and I can continue to exercise his ministry, in his power and in his name.
‘Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God’ (vv.7–8).
Not only was this man healed, but many people were also converted. This one act of kindness had an astonishing effect. The people ‘were filled with wonder and amazement at what happened to him … all the people were astonished and came running to them’ (vv.10–11). The demonstration of the power of God was accompanied by the proclamation of the gospel. They then had the opportunity to speak about Jesus: his death and resurrection, and the need for faith (vv.14–16).
Our preaching should always be Jesus-centred. Peter’s second sermon, like his first, is totally focused on Jesus. He starts by saying, ‘People of Israel, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?” (v.12). Peter does not want the people to be focused on himself, but rather on Jesus.
The whole talk is about Jesus. Jesus is God’s ‘servant’ (v.13), ‘the Holy and Righteous One’ (v.14), ‘the author of life’ (v.15) and the ‘prophet’ foretold by Moses (v.22). He says that it is, ‘By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him’ (v.16).
Peter gives the good news about Jesus. He speaks about sin, the cross, the resurrection and the need to repent and turn to God. He assures them of God’s promise to forgive their sins and restore their relationship with God. He says, ‘Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord’ (v.19).
‘Times of refreshing’ come when we spend time in God’s presence. When you are weary or worn out you can be refreshed by spending time with God. Sometimes, you need to learn to separate yourself from the busyness of life and spend time with God in the way that Jesus did. The Holy Spirit wants to bring times of ‘refreshing’ to you.
Lord, thank you that there is such power in the name of Jesus. I pray for an opportunity today to show kindness to someone and help them in Jesus’ name.
Acts 3:1-26
3. Give and receive kindness
God has an endless supply of kindness. David speaks of ‘God’s kindness’ (9:3). The apostle Paul speaks of the ‘riches of his kindness’ (Romans 2:4). When you show kindness, it is a way of expressing God’s kindness to you.
David asks, ‘Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?’ (2 Samuel 9:1). He then asks Ziba, ‘Is there not still someone of the house of Saul to whom I may show the unfailing, unsought, unlimited mercy and kindness of God?’ (v.3, AMP).
Mephibosheth was only five years old at the time of his father’s death (4:4) and now had a young son (9:12). David had been reigning in Jerusalem for at least seven years and Mephibosheth was probably about twenty years of age. The kindness that David shows Mephibosheth is like the kindness of God to us – unfailing, unsought and unlimited.
As in our New Testament passage, it is someone who is crippled (9:4) to whom kindness is shown. David says to Mephibosheth, ‘Don’t be afraid … for I will surely show you kindness … I will restore to you all the land … and you will always eat at my table’ (v.7).
Then, David looks for further opportunities to show kindness. ‘I will show kindness to Hanun son of Nahash, just as his father showed kindness to me’ (10:2). Sadly, as sometimes happens, this kindness was misunderstood (v.3f.). However, this should not put us off. It is natural and right to want to show kindness to the children whose parents have been particularly kind to us.
Mephibosheth said, ‘Who am I that you pay attention to a stray dog like me?’ (v.8, MSG). He had a poor self-image. Like many of us, he was focussed on his imperfections. But God blesses us in spite of our imperfections. He wants us to know and experience his unlimited kindness. Don’t focus on what is wrong – your sins, faults, weaknesses and failures. In Christ, God has given you his righteousness and wants to pour out on you the riches of his kindness to us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:7).
Lord, thank you for the riches of your kindness to me. Help me to always be on the lookout for opportunities to show kindness to those in need.
Pippa Adds
2 Samuel 10:1ff
Here, the Ammonites were suspicious and offensive to David’s men who brought the messages of sympathy. They had lived together happily up to this moment. However, as a result of their actions, a war was fought and lives were lost.
Of course it is important to be wise and discerning. However, we must never become cynical. It is important to believe the best about other people’s motives.
Unless otherwise stated, Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version Anglicised, Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 Biblica, formerly International Bible Society. Used by permission of Hodder & Stoughton Publishers, an Hachette UK company. All rights reserved. ‘NIV’ is a registered trademark of Biblica. UK trademark number 1448790.
Scripture quotations marked (AMP) taken from the Amplified® Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (
Scripture marked (MSG) taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.
About this Plan

Start your day with the Bible in One Year, a Bible reading plan with commentary by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel. Nicky Gumbel is the Vicar of HTB in London and pioneer of Alpha. ‘My favourite way to start the day.’ – Bear Grylls ‘My heart leaps every morning when I see Bible in One Year by @nickygumbel sitting in my inbox.’ – Darlene Zschech, Worship Leader
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