Seeking Daily The Heart Of God - WisdomSample

Call For Wisdom
"This calls for wisdom" (Revelation 13:18a). Wisdom is required more often than we realize. Wisdom cuts through emotion and gets to the reality of the situation. “What is the wise thing to do?” is an effective question in decision-making. “What is best for the enterprise?” is a wise question to ask as it relates to business and ministry. Many times God speaks through money or the lack thereof. So, if money is tight, then we need to be extremely wise with expenditures. Wisdom says cut back on expenses and do not add additional costs. At this point, it is not about lack of faith. It is about being a wise steward with what you have, so you can be trusted with more. Wise stewardship attracts generous givers.
The wise are not impatient or desperate. Wisdom takes a step back and thoroughly evaluates a situation before charging ahead. So, do you solicit wisdom on a consistent basis? Knowledge and experience mixed with common sense and discernment is a great recipe for wisdom. Wisdom is seeking to understand God’s perspective on matters. This is why the wisdom found in God’s Word is so relevant for living.
The Bible is a treasure trove of wisdom waiting to be discovered by the wise wisdom hunter. Therefore, don’t just pray, read, and meditate on the Bible, but also seek out the wise (Matthew 12:42). Look for people with gray in their hair, people who exhibit wise behavior. The wise will help you validate the inklings of wisdom you are beginning to grasp from your study of Scripture. Read books and listen to messages of wise men and women. If you hang out long enough with wisdom, it will rub off on you. Take every opportunity to call on wisdom. Be wise in your relationships. Be wise with your money and your time. Before you realize it, your wisdom will attract others who are hungry for the same.
Moreover, the crown jewel of wisdom’s accumulation is the fear of the Lord. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline” (Proverbs 1:7). The fear of God positions you to receive wisdom. Having no fear of God means you lack wisdom. No wonder our world is filled with fools. We have lost our fear of God, and wisdom has eluded us. The fear of the Lord is an incubator for wisdom. God dispenses wisdom to those who fear Him.
Love God, but fear Him. Worship God, but fear Him. Learn of God, but fear Him. Serve God, but fear Him.
Your fear of God qualifies you for wisdom. Do not become so familiar with God that you lose your fear of God. This is unwise and leads to foolishness. Wisdom awaits your harvest call. Pluck it and enjoy, like plump, luscious fruit on a hot summer day. Taste and see that wisdom is good. No one has ever complained of attaining too much wisdom. Call on wisdom often. Seek out the wise, and ask them and God for wisdom. This is the wise thing to do.
About this Plan

Seeking Daily the Heart of God is a 5 day reading plan intended to encourage, challenge, and help us along the path of daily living. As Boyd Bailey has said, "Seek Him even when you don't feel like it, or when you are too busy and He will reward your faithfulness." The Bible says, "Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart." Psalm 119:2
We would like to thank Boyd Bailey in conjunction with Wisdom Hunters for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: