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121 AdventSample

121 Advent

DAY 10 OF 24

How Do We Experience Peace?

She knew she wasn’t supposed to be there. It was the house of a Pharisee, a religious leader in the community, and there she was, a sinner, a “woman of the city.” Everyone knew of the turmoil in her life. Most of all, she knew. Her soul was in chaos because of the sin in her life. Hostility with others and with God followed her at all times.

But something drew her to this house. Rather, Someone drew her in. This woman knew deep in her soul that if peace were to ever be found in her life, Jesus, the Prince of Peace, could give it to her. In an incredible act of faith, this woman threw herself at the feet of Jesus, weeping from her sin, broken from the peace missing in her life. She knew God had created her for more, for good and for peace, yet it had been gone for so long. Her life consisted of sin, not peace. Maybe, just maybe, Jesus would give her a taste of peace in her tormented life.

But, in only eight words, Jesus changed everything. “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” (Luke 7:36-50)

We are all longing for peace in our lives. We all want the brokeness and chaos of sin to be removed and for shalom to enter in. So how do we find true peace? How can we go and live our lives in peace? JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! If we lay our lives at His feet, trust Him with our whole selves, the Prince of Peace will cover us with peace for all our eternity! Jesus is the giver of peace to our lives!

Families With Young Children

Read Luke 19:1-10. KIDS, Why did Zacchaeus not have many friends? (because he had cheated the people out of money and was dishonest) Who did Zacchaeus want to see? (Jesus) What did he do to see Jesus? (climbed a tree) Did Jesus walk by and ignore him? (no) What did Jesus do when He saw him? (Jesus told him that He was coming to his house) Jesus knew Zacchaeus but He still loved him. Jesus wanted Zacchaeus to have His perfect peace. Zacchaeus was ashamed, he wanted to stop doing wrong things and start doing the right things. Jesus forgave him and he began to experience the peace that can come only from Jesus.

Suggested activity: Find a small box and label it "God's Box."  Take a piece of paper and write on it, "Here God, I give you my problem with math, football, basketball, reading, friends, etc.Then write, "I am not going to worry anymore." Pray to God and put it in the box. God wants you to put all your problems on Him and know He will work them out. Put the box in a visible place so it reminds you that God is in charge of your problems.

Read Luke 2:8-12. KIDS, What is a shepherd? (someone who takes care of sheep and protects them from danger) Why were the shepherds afraid? (it was dark, they may have been asleep, they thought they were alone in the fields, they were not expecting to see an angel) What news did the angel tell the shepherds? (that Jesus had been born) How did they find baby Jesus? (a star was over the stable)

As you pray tonight, thank God for sending the shepherds to find Jesus. Thank Him for showing them the way! Thank God for your friends and ask Him to help you be the best friend ever. Thank Jesus for being your best friend and being with you at all times.

Day 9Day 11

About this Plan

121 Advent

The birth of Christ, His advent, marks God's ultimate plan for our redemption. In Christ, we see the fullest picture of God's hope, peace, joy and love. God's Word is the truth by which we know and walk with Him daily. It is our hope that this guide will encourage and facilitate personal time spent in the Word and provide a resource for families with children to do that together.


We would like to thank 121 Community Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: