Life Abundantly: 5 Days Of Healing DevotionalsSample

As we watch Jesus transform our lives from broken to beautiful, something begins to happen. Even in a life that resembles a desert, we begin to thrive and bloom like a tree planted by a spring. As our Good Shepherd leads us in paths of righteousness, heals our bodies, and restores our souls, we begin to resemble something that has abundant life.
God spoke to the Israelites through the prophet Isaiah and promised them that He would continually satisfy their desires, even in situations that seemed desolate. While their coming struggle could prompt hopelessness, God promised to satisfy their desires, to make them trees of life, watered in the wilderness.
God wants to satisfy your desires today! He isn’t looking to defer your hope or break your heart to “teach” you a lesson. Instead, he wants to find you in desolated places, to water your roots and replenish your body, soul, and spirit with HOPE. Though He may be silent, he is present, constantly renewing your hope—if you will let him in.
Today, get honest with God. Share hopes that may have been deferred. Let Jesus bring healing to those hurts. Thank God in faith for the desires He is and will fulfill in your life. Watch what was once desolate bloom with the life that Jesus wants to give you.
About this Plan

Are you facing a broken body, heart or spirit? Jesus never wanted our lives to be "good enough", He wants to give you a life overflowing with His goodness and freedom. Feed your faith with Christ For The Nations' 5-Day plan on healing, created in conjunction with the Voice Of Healing Conference.
We would like to thank Christ for the Nations for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: